Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Phone Art

The following pics were drawn using Samsung Pixon "Live Pix" app...

~ Rainbow Fish ~

~ Bright Future ~

~ Breakfast for My Love ~

~ Each Other's ~

~ Dear Dear's Hand in Pocket ~
*my fav creation*

~ Dear Dear's Hairy Legs ~

~ Lady Reading ~

☀ L♥ve Never Fails [1 Corinthians 13:4-8] ☀

An ultra-special B'day gift for an ultra-special person XD

Choo... Choo!!! Happy B'day from Singapore

A B'day card with a cut-out from an old sports car calendar as the "train-bridge" background, and a train-shaped wooden plank as the train.

Let Your Dim Light Shine

This was the album art for our Christmas 2008 album - a gift for our family and frenz, which contains 2 songs written and penned by dear dear and myself a few years back.

Nature's Expressions of L♥VE

This was taken while I'm walking to the station; no photo-editing was done. It's a rare sight as this is the only cloud in the clear blue sky, and it's heart-shaped!!!

This was taken while waiting for the lift, from the 11th floor of a flat. This tree caught me initially because of the gigantic heart. Then, after observing it for a while, I realised the portions that juts out and hangs down resemble "I" and "U", respectively (as illustrated in the second pic beside the original).

♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ Blue Stratocaster ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

A special electric guitar card for a special big bro, who's "feverish" over guitars and ultimately became my husband-to-be *blush*

☼ Colourful Sun-Shiny Day ☼

A special B'Day card for a special mommy & aunt made and sent a few years back. Tomorrow is her B'day, but she's gone home to Big Daddy... Kinda miss her ='-(

Choco Beary Love [Jeremiah 33:3]

This is a year that I asked my frenz for their favourite verses, colours and stuff... From the info, this is one of the personalized Christmas gifts they received.