Wednesday, December 28, 2011

☆彡 2011 Jumping Clay Art ミ☆

- Minion out of Bottle -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Front) -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Left) -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Right) -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Back) -
Modeling with Jumping Clay... It's light-weight and bouncy, as well as less messy than the usual modeling clay.

ミ Kiddish doodle 彡

Kiddish doodley of our lil' cuties - Piglet, Woofy Pink & Toffee =P

 A Basket of Apples 

- Front -

- Back -
We are all apples of God's eyes. Therefore a basket of apple-blessings for our loving "shepherd".

☆彡 2011 All-In-One Card ミ☆

- Front -

- Inside -
An all-in-one card for a special godpa.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

--\-<(@ Blooming in the Pain of Joy @)>-/--

Did this on our way home from SGH after visiting grandma yesterday. Feeling very "bloated" with stress and all. Had another cut on my right hand from boss' door. Only Big Daddy's patient to listen without saying that it sound like grumbles.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

\><'> Joyous Freedom <'><\

[24 February 2011]: A birthday card for a fav big sis who transmits joy to those around her - our sunshine - joyful and free =P

☼ To the SOURCE ☼

[15 February 2011]: A birthday card for our dear bro cum cell overseer. Message behind is to "always go to our everlasting SOURCE for strength-refuel, so as to maintain service efficacy."

--\-<(@ Pink Tulip @)>-/--

[15 June 2009]: A special gift to a special boss who loves tulips...