Wednesday, December 28, 2011

☆彡 2011 Jumping Clay Art ミ☆

- Minion out of Bottle -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Front) -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Left) -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Right) -

- Queen Bear & Doraemon (Back) -
Modeling with Jumping Clay... It's light-weight and bouncy, as well as less messy than the usual modeling clay.

ミ Kiddish doodle 彡

Kiddish doodley of our lil' cuties - Piglet, Woofy Pink & Toffee =P

 A Basket of Apples 

- Front -

- Back -
We are all apples of God's eyes. Therefore a basket of apple-blessings for our loving "shepherd".

☆彡 2011 All-In-One Card ミ☆

- Front -

- Inside -
An all-in-one card for a special godpa.