Thursday, December 3, 2009

☀ Gift of Blessings ☀

A book-like card containing heartfelt words of blessings for a dear big sis & colleague, who's left to write a fresh beautiful chapter of her life in a land faraway =P

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Phone Art

The following pics were drawn using Samsung Pixon "Live Pix" app...

~ Rainbow Fish ~

~ Bright Future ~

~ Breakfast for My Love ~

~ Each Other's ~

~ Dear Dear's Hand in Pocket ~
*my fav creation*

~ Dear Dear's Hairy Legs ~

~ Lady Reading ~

☀ L♥ve Never Fails [1 Corinthians 13:4-8] ☀

An ultra-special B'day gift for an ultra-special person XD

Choo... Choo!!! Happy B'day from Singapore

A B'day card with a cut-out from an old sports car calendar as the "train-bridge" background, and a train-shaped wooden plank as the train.

Let Your Dim Light Shine

This was the album art for our Christmas 2008 album - a gift for our family and frenz, which contains 2 songs written and penned by dear dear and myself a few years back.

Nature's Expressions of L♥VE

This was taken while I'm walking to the station; no photo-editing was done. It's a rare sight as this is the only cloud in the clear blue sky, and it's heart-shaped!!!

This was taken while waiting for the lift, from the 11th floor of a flat. This tree caught me initially because of the gigantic heart. Then, after observing it for a while, I realised the portions that juts out and hangs down resemble "I" and "U", respectively (as illustrated in the second pic beside the original).

♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫ Blue Stratocaster ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

A special electric guitar card for a special big bro, who's "feverish" over guitars and ultimately became my husband-to-be *blush*

☼ Colourful Sun-Shiny Day ☼

A special B'Day card for a special mommy & aunt made and sent a few years back. Tomorrow is her B'day, but she's gone home to Big Daddy... Kinda miss her ='-(

Choco Beary Love [Jeremiah 33:3]

This is a year that I asked my frenz for their favourite verses, colours and stuff... From the info, this is one of the personalized Christmas gifts they received.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Life@SGH Poster Competition

This is done for a poster competition depicting the life at SGH. The caption accompanying the poster below was generated with the help of 2 sisters, PJ and SQ. It says "A Family Serving and Supporting one another from the HEART through Compassion, Communication, Commitment, Collaboration and Consistency, making SGH the Preferred Choice for all - The SGH Heartbeat that Touches Lives!"

Description of the design: The white clock-tower is the landmark of SGH. The rainbow consisting of different colours concaving towards a point and hand with a heart in the centre represents staff from different posts serving together with the same heartbeat through compassion, communication, commitment, collaboration and consistency (note: these 5 Cs' are represented by the 5 fingers), making SGH the prestigious instituition of excellence.

Though it wasn't chosen as one of the winning pieces, I've definitely enjoyed the process of making it =P

Sandy Creation

"Melody from the heart" was done during one of the class gatherings at Siloso beach (Sentosa)... Wanted to use it as the album art one day...

Tuxedo B'day Greetings

A special birthday card for my God-daddy... Materials used are shiny gold paper, black cardboard paper for the bow-tie, cotton tee for the inside, old button and cut yellow hanky. Putting them together resulted in what I called "the smart and handsome tuxedo-card" XD

Friday, June 12, 2009

Parrot Wingx

This is one of my school assignment - design a shoe based on the theme of "flying creatures". I've chosen running shoe and the Scarlet Macaws for its design because of their bright and colouful feathers. The logo is a light blue wing with an orangey-red letter "W" at the centre, indicating lightness and fiery power cum speed. The body of the shoe is the feathers, while the base is the head (to be more specific, it's the eye area). When the design was done, I'm imagining the end-product (if design is ever used for the production of running shoes) with the body made of velvet material. Thot it will be COOL to wear these for a jog or just a casual day out with frenz and family =P