This is done for a poster competition depicting the life at SGH. The caption accompanying the poster below was generated with the help of 2 sisters, PJ and SQ. It says "A Family Serving and Supporting one another from the HEART through Compassion, Communication, Commitment, Collaboration and Consistency, making SGH the Preferred Choice for all - The SGH Heartbeat that Touches Lives!"
Description of the design: The white clock-tower is the landmark of SGH. The rainbow consisting of different colours concaving towards a point and hand with a heart in the centre represents staff from different posts serving together with the same heartbeat through compassion, communication, commitment, collaboration and consistency (note: these 5 Cs' are represented by the 5 fingers), making SGH the prestigious instituition of excellence.
Though it wasn't chosen as one of the winning pieces, I've definitely enjoyed the process of making it =P
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